Hi everyone,
Well I did it! I finished my nineteenth manuscript on the weekend. Actually I have written about forty in total but most of those are still on my old lap-top and will not see the light of day. I meant ninetenth contracted manuscript. Phew! Am I making you exhausted just thinking about it? Yeah, well I feel a bit that way myself. The novel I just finished has a revenge theme and it was quite possibly the most difficult book I have ever written. I am still not sure why. I loved both the characters Massimo Androletti ( gorgeous Italian!) and beautiful (but with hidden tragic past) Nikki Ferliani. Anyway it is now time to stew on the book, I usually leave it a month (depending on time restraints and deadlines) and then go back and have a read through in one sitting. It is amazing how helpful that is. I think a lot of writers send things off too quickly and when it is rejected it is such a shame as with a little more work most plots can be tweaked to produce a good story.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. We had our eldest son home from Sydney and I was all geared up to cook him his favourite meal on Friday night when he announced HE WAS COOKING DINNER!!!!! Yippeee! I haven't failed as a mother-he actually can cook!
Love to all,
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 2:02 PM