Sunday, March 30, 2008

Countdown to The End!

Hello to you all,
I am on the countdown to the end of my current work in progress and because I love the characters so much I think that's why it is taking me so long to wrap things up. I will really miss them. The next project I have on the go is a two book series so that will be fun. I am already thinking through some ideas.
This week is my sixth week and crunch time ( mmm...interesting choice of words!) for my foot. I have to have a check up Xray to see that everything is where it should be and then I can ditch the orthopaedic shoe. Yippeee! With a recent cold snap we've been having my toes are ccccold! I refuse to wear a sock as well, that would be just too embarrassing.
NOw that Easter is out of the way, down here in the Southern Hemisphere the mornings are dark and the evenings closing in earlier and earlier. Winter is definitely in the air but I love the cocooning tendency it brings on in me. It makes me want to stay home and write and read and think about characters and stories. I don't think I would get much done if I moved further north, say to far north Queensland.
Hope you all have a fabulous week. I am catching up this week with two of my writing proteges who are such fun. Waving at you, Felicity and Georgie!
All the best,
Melanie xx

Monday, March 24, 2008

I am so over chocolate!

Hi everyone,
Well I am happy to say I am sick to death of chocolate. I think this will only last a day or so but I definitely need a CFD( chocolate free day)!
I hope you all have a fabulous Easter. It is quite different in the Southern Hemphisphere as it is autumn not spring but we've had lovely weather so it wasn't so bad. When we lived in Scotland all those years ago I loved the way the bulbs would peep out of the ground around Easter, while here we are putting them in!
It's been nice being up at the beach house as it has been very peaceful and quiet. The dogs are exhausted as usual from chasing the ball along the beach for hours.
We had a possum come to visit each night for a banana. He was as fat as a pudding but very cute. He was obviously quite used to being around people as he didn't run off when we opened the deck door to give him some fruit.
I did a print out of how many books I am up to and the one I am writing now is my 30th title for Harlequin! I think once I type The End I will be having a little celebration.
Have a great week, it will be a short one, I bet as once Easter leaves us it doesn't seem to be that long before we start thinking about Christmas, does it?
All the best,
Melanie x

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Heat wave again

Hi everyone,
Phew is it hot again! My husband was on the medical response team at the Melbourne Grand Prix over the weekend and the track temperature yesterday was 48 degrees celsius. It was 37-40 in the grand stands so you can imagine how uncomfortable it would have been for both drivers and their teams and the fans.
I am having a fabulous time with my current novel. For those of you who dabble in writing yourselves you will understand what I am talking about when I say how the characters seem to speak to me, instead of me telling them what they should or shouldn't do. These two have very definite ideas about what is going to happen and when!
I am looking forward to the Easter break as if this weather holds we will have an Indian summer at the beach house. I haven't had a decent swim up there yet due to nursing a shoulder problem as well as my foot. I am allowed to walk a bit further now so the dogs are very pleased about that!
have a great week and all the best for Easter.
Melanie x

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Portrait of a "Lady"

Hi everyone,
I forgot to mention months ago that I had my portrait painted as part of a silent auction for charity. My husband was the highest bidder and the wonderfully talented painted Garry Gregg painted my portrait. It didn't win the prestigious Archibald prize for which it was entered by there is a picture of it being carried into the judging room which my web-designer is shortly going to upload in my pictures gallery. It was so exciting to be a part of something so fabulous.
I've had some really interesting emails this weeks and some great chats with a few of you.
I am meeting twice weekly with two lovely ladies who are not published but I am certain they soon will be. Felicity and Georgie are amazingly talented and I love reading their work. It is yet another privelege of being a published writer-being asked your "expert" opinion. I don't consider myself an expert but I do know what I like and whether or not a book will hold my interest. I have read heaps lately having been laid up with my foot and have enjoyed the huge array of genres. I am reading a Janet Frame book right now which is quite unusual. I adored An Angel at My Table, that was probably one of the most poignant books I have ever read.
I am enjoying the last few hours of sunshine before we head back home to the city after being up at the beach house for the long weekend. It's amazing how that extra day makes all the difference. I feel so recharged and can't wait to get back to my current novel which is one of those special ones that is writing itself. Oh joy oh joy!!!!
Love to all,
Melanie x

Portrait of a "Lady"

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I almost forgot

Hi gang,
I have been on such a writing jag I almost forgot to blog. I am now off crutches which is a huge relief. It is no fun not being able to carry a cup of tea from one room to the next. I really don't know how people manage to be on them for months on end. It's amazing how many people stopped me in the street and commiserated with me, telling me of their experiences of being on crutches from anything from six weeks to nine months for one poor man! I think I would go mad.
I am back in the pool now that the wound is sealed and it sure is great to be active again. I find it hard to sit around and do nothing. A week is fine but any longer than that and I start to get a bit antsy. A lot of my creativity comes out during activity. the thoughts and ideas flow so freely then.
Thanks for all the lovely emails. It's great to hear from my readers.
All the best,
Melanie x

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