Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back from Melbourne

Hi everyone,
It was a wonderful conference in Melbourne at the Langham Hotel. What an amazing weekend of fabulous workshops and dinners and catch up drinks with friends and colleagues. The fancy dress coctail party was a real hoot and the awards dinner a really special occasion, especially for those who finalled in the various competitions. I managed to slip in some shopping as well as spend time with my lovely editor who was out from London. It truly was one of the best conferences I have attended, but then I say that every year as they seem to get better and better. It is great to see as yet unpublished writers working hard at their craft. It is a long journey for some and I admire their fortitude and dedication. But then that is what it takes to get any where in life-hard work and focus.
I will post some photos so you too can share in some of the fun.
Happy reading and writing,
Melanie xx

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Zealand Rocks!

Hi everyone,
I am so overwhelmed with the friendliness and welcome I have recieved in Auckland the RWNZ conference. It has been such a thrill to be here and what a talented bunch of writers are here. The Clendon Award has the most amazing strike record for publishing success. 60% of winners have been subsquently picked up by a publisher. That is indeed a fabulous track record. It was wonderful to be at the awards dinner and to celebrate everyone's success in the various contests that were presented.
I will post some photos later as I have a flight to catch and within a couple of days will be flying to Melbourne for the Australian RWA. One of the best things about conferences is being with other writers both published and unpublished as we all speak the same language. It is also so comforting to know I am not the only crazy one out there who has characters talking to me inside my head at all times of the day and night!
I am missing my dogs and apparently they are missing me. Polly has been chewing her blanky and has dragged it to where the leads are kept and slept on it there in antipation of my return. Oh to be so loved!
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Cyber hugs,
Melanie xx

Sunday, August 10, 2008


This week off to New Zealand!

Hi everyone,
Only a few sleeps until I head to New Zealand for the Romance Writers Convention. It will be great catching up with colleagues and new writers. I am conducting a workshop which will be heaps of fun.
I have been balancing some writing with lots of reading this week as I have had a bit of back trouble. It is one of the down sides of a sedentary job I am afraid. I am a bit of a restless writer in any case, I rarely stay still longer than fifteen minutes or so. I think I must have had hyperactivity as a child...actually there are a lot of people in my life who think I still have it!
Speaking of hyperactivity, Polly is so full of energy even a weekend at the shack was not enough to wear her out. Every time we went for a long walk as soon as we got back she would run up with a ball and wag her tail and look at us with those dark eyes of her sparkling with excitement.
I hope you have a fabulous week. I will hopefully have some photos to show you when I get back. My uploading device has been playing up but I hope to have it under control by then. Fingers crossed!
All the best,
Melanie XX

Sunday, August 03, 2008

A quick weekend away

Hi everyone,
I had a quick weekend away in Sydney for some family birthdays. I feel like I hit the ground running since I got back. What is it about Mondays that makes it so hard to get out of bed? I wanted to stay curled up with my book and forget about all the jobs I have to do this week.
I have a lot of trips this month with New Zealand and Melbourne as well as a couple more trips to Sydney for my husband's work. It's always a good excuse to tag along to do research or shop. Shopping is research, right?!
My dogs hate it when I am away. My son told me how morose they both get, moping around with their heads down the whole time. The welcome they give me is so wonderful however, it makes me feel so loved.
I am now about half way into my current work in progress and looking forward to getting on with it after a few interuptions. That is part of the writing life, distractions occur all the time and it takes a lot of discipline to get back on track.
A big wave to all the wonderful finalists in the Rita awards and of course hearty congratulations to the winners.
Love to all,

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