Monday, February 19, 2007

Mixed news

Hi everyone,
I have had a very mixed up week, lots of highs and a very low low. My brother-in-law died yesterday after a long battle with lung cancer. He was a wonderful person, one of the most significant people in my life as he was such an encourager. Life is hard at times and it doesn't make sense when a man with a dependent family is taken. I really feel for my sister who is devastated. So for all those of you out there who are dealing with similar losses please draw comfort from knowing I am thinking of you.
On the career front ( which seems totally insignificant right now) I have been given three reviewers' choice nominations on That was very special news and I am really grateful that the reviewers put them forward.
I had a very successful book launch in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) at the hospital where I researched In Her Boss's Special Care with lots of press involved. It was a lot of fun of course and I ended up on the front page of our newspaper which was a thrill. I was stopped in the supermarket several times so I felt like a celebrity.
Anyway, my love to everyone and take care of yourselves and your loved ones. You really don't know how long you might have with them, do you?
Much love,
Melanie x


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