Hi all,
I missed posting a blog last week as I flew to Sydney to stay with my oldest son and hit the ground running. I did the usual mum thing such as cleaning the flat for SIX hours! Once that was done it was time to shop and swim which I did every day. The weather was unusually cold for that time of year and of course I had packed the wrong clothes so had to buy more! Sydney is where I grew up so it's very familiar and I love pottering around the shops and eating out at fabulous restuarants. I am almost half way with my newest medical manuscript and it's one of those books that is writing itself. My hero Ben Blackwood is a neurosurgeon whose new registrar is Georgie Willoughby, the daugher of the Professor of Neurosurgery who failed Ben in his first sitting of his fellowship. It's great fun seeing them interact on the page-they positively sizzle!
Have a great week and I will be back soon.
Melanie x
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 1:21 PM