Sunday, June 14, 2009

A brief trip away

Hi everyone,
I had a quick trip to Sydney on the weekend which was fun. Lots of shopping, catching up with family and a 30th birthday party. Now it's back to work as next weekend I am away again for a Robert McKee seminar in Melbourne. It will be pretty full on so there won't be any time for shopping. It will be a great opportunity to work at my craft however so I am looking forward to it.
The dogs hate it when I am away. I know now where that phrase came from-hang dog look. That's exactly what they look like when they see me packing a bag! Of course the welcome when I come back is so lovely. It makes me feel so loved. My poor husband doesn't get a look in. They completely ignore him as they dance with glee around me. Ah so nice to be so popular.
I hope everyone has a great week.
All the best,


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