Hi folks,
Well we solved the mystery of the emails not getting through and I have replied to all the ones I could find in the system so if I have missed anyone I am sorry. I had hundreds to sort through as well as the usual Spam which was annoying. Anyway I am now contactable and thank you so much to those of you who were so patient. A special thank you to Dottie who sent me a lovely message.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I know it is not celebrated on this date in the UK but in the US and Australia it is the second Sunday in May. I was very spoilt by being given a brand new laptop! I am still finding my way around it. My eldest son and his lovely girlfriend gave me some fabulous Peter Alexander night wear ( he's a brilliant Australian
pyjama designer) and my younger son gave me a new electric fry/casserole pan. I actually spent the day in Sydney with my sister who was being
focussed on as as special mother in her church that morning. I didn't tell her I was coming so she was thrilled to see me there. I really enjoyed seeing her in the limelight instead of me for once. She is a rather shy person and works so tirelessly in the background so it was lovely that she was given the attention she deserves.
I was delayed getting home due to fog but I had a nice chat to a young doctor in the members' lounge and she gave me a great novel idea!
I am speaking at two Rotary functions this week which will makes it a busy few days on top of my writing schedule. It's nice to share with people the joy of being a published author.
Hope everyone is well and keep those emails coming!
Melanie x
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 9:45 PM