Friday, September 26, 2008

Rascal on the Prowl

Our big boy, Mango, came in one lunch with a friend to play with. Unfortunately for the little friend, "play with" holds a different meaning for felines and after a torturous ruff n'tumble, poor little birdie found himself with a bare bottom and some rather obvious balding issues.

We attempted an EFR "Emergency Feather Rejoining" operation but after realising that superglue and stickytape wouldn't hold the large sum of tail feathers we moved onto other recovery methods.

After a lukewarm bath and a few hours of rehab, the little bird came to a swift recovery and left for home in time for dinner later that evening.

What a brave little swooper-trooper he was!

Love and best wishes to all!
Melanie xx

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spring in the air

Hi everyone,
Well spring is here as so is the wind. It howled last night, all night. It's such a shame as it wrecks all the blossums. I have the most beautiful pair of tree peonies which only flower for such a short time and when the wind attacks them the petals drop off as they are quite fragile.
We had a fabulous weekened at the beach house. I wrote so much and feel that this novel is one of those that is going to write itself. The characters are so alive!
I have finally decided it is virtually impossible to wear out a minature poodle. Polly is totally obsessed with chasing tennis balls and even though I took her for long walks on the beach, hitting a tennis ball with a racket all the way, she still came home and wanted to play. Oh to be so young and energetic!
Thank you to all the lovely people who emailed me this week. It is so nice to have contact with my readers. Writing is a lonely job, although don't get me wrong, I quite like being left alone to do my thing! But it's so nice to hear from readers who have enjoyed my books.
My poor webmistress lives in Housten and has been without power and water for some time now so my website is not as up to date as it could be. Please be patient as she will get on to it as soon as she can.
All the best for this week,
Melanie x

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back from Sydney

Hi everyone,
Wow, the weeks go so fast and the weekends even faster. We had a short trip up to Sydney, this time for my husband's conference. It was great to catch up with our older son and his fiancee and to do a bit of shopping. It was so warmn when we got there. The humidity really was a bit of a slap in the face with a hot wet towel. It rained on Sunday which was good for they really need it. We do too, the winter has been cold but very dry and they are predicting a really hot summmer. That is not a good thing in terms of bush fires. As much as I love a good day at the beach the downside of long hot days is the tinderbox dry forests that can spontaneously combust under the right conditions.
I have started my next wip, a medical this time and I just love it. I haven't done any work on it today as I have been a bit low with a virus but I am going back to it tomorrow. The characters are gorgeous,particularly the hero! I can't wait unti you meet them.
All the best for now,
Melanie x

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I am finished...well sort of...

Hi everyone,
I finished my wip on the weekend but for some reason I don't really feel it is finished. I guess that is because I have to do a pretty thorough read through and deep edit, which is scary as it might mean some major changes. That is the process of writing however, and a fact a lot of would be writers don't realise. It takes a lot of time and energy ( particularly emotional energy) to get the best book out there.
My next book will be a medical and the characters are already talking to me so I am keen to get this manuscript tidied up so I can get on with the new one. So many books to write, so little time! Speaking of time, how quickly is this year passing?! I will be soon thinking about starting my Christmas cake and pudding. Yikes! It seems such a short time ago that I did it last.
It was Father's Day in Australia yesterday which was a nice chance for me to celebrate both my husband and my father as two very special men who had been wonderful influences in my life.
I hope you all have a fabulous week and thanks for all the emails. I love to hear from readers.
All the best,
Melanie xx

Monday, September 01, 2008

Back on line

Hi everyone,
I had a bit of a technical hiccup this week. I couldn't get on line so I had to get some help in rejigging my settings. How come the guy they send around looks too young to be out of school?! At least it is all working again now.
I had a fabulous few days last week as Margie Lawson who spoke at the New Zealand and Melbourne conferences came on a short trip to Hobart with her husband. We had a couple of dinners together which was wonderful. If you get a chance to do her on line courses grab at it. I am working my way through them now and finding it so helpful. I am excited about lifting my writing to a new emotional level.
I have the last chapter to write on my current book which is a good feeling. I love it when the hero and heroine get their happy ending. Don't we all deserve one?!
I hope you enjoy the photos.
Best wishes,
Melanie x

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