Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another wet week!

Hi everyone,
Well we are having even more rain. It is lashing down as I type this. I can't believe how wet the garden is. This is the wettest winter we have had for many years. The good thing is it is mostly falling all over the state so the farmers can get their share. Mind you, rain can come at the wrong time which can sometimes be worse than not coming at all.
I had the weekend in Melbourne and did a bit of work in amongst some retail therapy. It was a nice break but I must get my head down now as I have the trilogy cooking in my head. I am so excited about starting book one. I can see the characters so clearly.
Thanks again for all the lovely emails and comments. You truly are the most wonderful fan base!
Have a great week,

Monday, August 24, 2009

Spring visitor

Hi everyone,
I had a visit from a new medical author the lovely Sharon Archer. We went for a walk through Hobart's Botanical Gardens and this is a shot of us in the conservatory. There is always a lovely show of flowers no matter what the season. We were a bit early for the tulips as they are just poking their heads up although lots of daffodils were out around the gardens.
Being a writer can be quite a lonely occupation as you spend a lot of time alone but having a visit from a colleague is delightful as you can speak the same language so to speak.
Thank you to all the lovely people who have emailed me this week in regards to the Marcolini books. What a thrill it is to hear from readers who say such wonderful things! You really made my week.
All the best,
Melanie x

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunshine at last

Hi everyone,
We've had so much rain in Tasmania this last week but today the sun is shining. I heard the evening nesting of the blackbirds late one afternoon last week and it was the first hint of spring. I have lots of daffodils out and the garden is coming to life with other blooms such as camelias and the ever fragrant daphne. I always pick a few sprigs to have on my bedside table. It is so lovely to catch a whiff of it now and again.
I had a quick trip to Melbourne on the weekend. I should have been in Brisbane for the national Romance Writers Conference but the flight would have been too long for my back. As it was Melbourne was stretching it. I stood up for most of the flight but we got caught in traffic in the taxi so I was a little uncomfortable. I had a nice time shopping and writing while my husband did his thing at his meeting. It was a nice break and I came back with more luggage than I went with-mostly books!
I hope you have a great week.
All the best,

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Writing again!

Hi everyone,
I am back in the chair and writing which is so cool. I still have to take it slowly, no long sits just yet but it's a lot easier than it was.
Thanks for all the best wishes via email. I guess back pain is a thing we all experience at one time or another so there is a lot of empathy out there. I am certainly much more aware now of what people go through with chronic conditions.
We are having one of the wettest winters on record. It has been raining almost non-stop over the weekend. I love it, especially when I am reading or working but the ground is really soggy now and I wonder how much more it can take. Mind you, a lot of Australia is still suffering from drought so I don't like to complain. And even some parts of Tasmania still need more rain. If only it fell more equitably!
I am posting on iheartpresents early this week so pop by and leave a comment.
Happy 18th birthday to a lovely fan called Louise from Cheshire in the UK.
Have a great week.
Melanie x

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