Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunshine at last

Hi everyone,
We've had so much rain in Tasmania this last week but today the sun is shining. I heard the evening nesting of the blackbirds late one afternoon last week and it was the first hint of spring. I have lots of daffodils out and the garden is coming to life with other blooms such as camelias and the ever fragrant daphne. I always pick a few sprigs to have on my bedside table. It is so lovely to catch a whiff of it now and again.
I had a quick trip to Melbourne on the weekend. I should have been in Brisbane for the national Romance Writers Conference but the flight would have been too long for my back. As it was Melbourne was stretching it. I stood up for most of the flight but we got caught in traffic in the taxi so I was a little uncomfortable. I had a nice time shopping and writing while my husband did his thing at his meeting. It was a nice break and I came back with more luggage than I went with-mostly books!
I hope you have a great week.
All the best,


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