Friday, July 31, 2009

You can buy my books right here!

Hi everyone,
I have great news. You can now buy some of my books right from my website. So for those of you who have missed titles or can't wait for your country's release go right ahead and buy on line.
I am having a good recovery so far from my back surgery. I am sitting for longer and longer and feel really positive about the original problem being fixed. So nice to be without excruciating pain.
It's wet and wild just now and my little dogs are looking at me wondering why we aren't going for our usual walk. The weather people are predicting a warmer than usual spring. Ha Ha, will believe it when I see it. I must say all your poor UK readers are having a very wet summer. I saw some news clips and really feel for you. I remember when we lived in the UK how much we looked forward to summer and then we blinked and it was gone! It's good reading weather though, right?
All the best,

Loved the Marcolini Blackmail Marriage. How did you ever come up with the idea of the two books about the brothers?
posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9:05 AM Hi Marilyn,
I should have checked my comments earlier! I have been busy working on my work in progress. I come from a medium sized family and I guess that gave me a lot of inspiration for this series. Each sibling has their own pathway in life. It's amazing how different those pathways can be throughout a life time. Two brothers with two different problems to solve. I liked the idea of a linked series and after the book I am working on now, I will be starting a trilogy. I am really excited about it. It's fun working on the characters, for even though they have the same parents and upbringing they are all different as indeed we all are.
posted by Blogger Melanie Milburne : 4:50 PM

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