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Hi everyone,
I am a bit late blogging as I have been in a writing fest. Such a great feeling to reach my goal of halfway before I take a break for Easter.
Life has been pretty busy as usual but I am working on creating more balance for myself. I don't think there is a woman alive who doesn't crave more time for herself. I have now set little goals to get that time. It's a subtle change but it's already working.
If you are heading over to Facebook don't forget to say hi or click on my fan page.
I hope all of you who celebrate Easter have a wonderful time with friends and family or both.
Will talk at length soon!
Hi everyone,
I have discovered a passion for yoga. I was recommended it after my back surgery to loosen up my spine. I can't believe how wonderful it is. I do the Ashtanga variety which is quite dynamic and challenging. My muscles really have to work hard to hold the poses. I have felt the benefit already as I can sit for much longer periods without getting a sore back. It's a miracle!
It's been weeks now but I still miss my puppies. I see the photos and just want to be able to pick them up and cuddle them and smell that cute little puppy smell.
One of our cats is injured at the moment. Poor little guy had to wear a collar to stop him picking at the stitches in his rump but somehow he got it off as well as pulling out the wound drains. Clever little boy! He seems a lot better but was quite miserable for the first 48 hours.
Just tidying up Book Two of my trilogy. It's been fun working on it and I can't wait to see these three books on the shelves.
I hope everyone is having a fantastic week.
All the best,
Hi everyone,
Another busy week with so much going on. Rolling with the punches is a tactic I have had to learn. I am an organised and disciplined person. I like things done to order and I tick off the boxes in my head as I go. It really throws me out when things come in from the left field, but over the years I have had to learn to be more flexible. Children sort of do that to you! But now it's my elderly parents, my mother in particular. Hospital visits and working out how to manage her care while keeping her wishes paramount is not easy.
Aging is something not all of us will experience, sadly. Accidents, illness and the unexpected can snatch what years you were looking forward to away. But if you do live a long time I think it is important to be as gracious as you can about it. Remind me of this in a few decades, OK?!!
What do you want to do in your last years? Have any of you thought about how it would be facing death? Have any of you stared death in the face?
On a lighter note: I have regular updates from my friend who has Perdy, one of Polly's puppies. She is doing well, taking charge of the other older poodle with whom she shares her new parents. She is cheeky and adorable.
Hope things are cool with you all,
Mel xx