Sunday, December 13, 2009

Back from Sydney

Hi everyone,
Just when I thought I couldn't get busier I had a party to attend to in Sydney which gave me a brilliant opportunity to do some much needed Christmas shopping. It also was a fabulous chance to catch up with two great friends and my gorgeous daughter-in-law. My son is just about to land back from France where he was attending a computer game conference.
I had three late nights so it will take me a day or two to get back into gear, I fear!
The dogs missed me so much, and Polly is now starting to look pregnant. She's so cute. She is refusing to use the pet door so I feel like a doorman, standing there opening and closing it for her like she is royalty. What an attitude! It's not just the pregnancy, she has always been like it and grabs any opportunity she can to be waited on like a princess.
I am about to start book three of my trilogy. I have to get Christmas stuff done first so I can get into it and stay in it. I can't wait.
Have a happy week,
Melanie x


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