Hi everyone,
Today is the most beautiful crisp but clear spring day. I am so over rain! I want sun and warmth now that it is getting close to November. Yes, isn't that scary? Christmas is around the corner. I have made my cake and I will be boiling the pudding today...well that's the plan. It takes five hours so I have to make sure I am around to watch it.
I had some great news about my foot. It is now time to use it more and as a result the swelling that was plaguing me has more or less subsided. The infection is all gone-nothing in the bone thank goodness! It is great to think that in a few more weeks I will be able to run. I am certainly going to have to do something as I feel a little tummy coming from all the enforced inactivity. That has got to go!!!
Hope you have a great week. Thanks for all the best wishes over the past few weeks. I hope I have responded to everyone. If I have missed anyone shot me another line.
Melanie xx
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 2:06 PM