Sunday, September 06, 2009

A little hiccup

Hi everyone,
You are not giong to believe this but I am back off to Melbourne not to shop or sight see but to have another foot operation. Yes, you heard right. That failed bone graft has created a bit of a problem with my gait so in order not to compromise my back recovery I have to have a plate put in. I jokingly asked for a Royal Doulton, ha ha! Crutches for a week and get serious walking for six weeks! Arghhh! I will go stir crazy. I won't be able to swim for about three or four but the good thing is I will be able to write. Yay! The trouble is this is my favourite time of year and I love walking for hours. But hopefully all will go well this time and in a few weeks that is what I will be doing. It's better to get this all over with while I am in the recovery stage otherwise it will be hanging over my head.
I am into the first book of my trilogy and enjoying getting to know my characters.
We've had some lovely crisp sunny days but rain is forecast. THe birds are so vocal in the morning and evening now which is a great way to start and end the day.
Have a fabulous week and think of me hopping along!
Melanie xx

I don't know what Tasmanian spring looks like, as I'm from the other side of the Equator, but think of it like this:
When summer comes and the weather is nice again, you can go for endless walks and swims. It's better than being operated on beginning of summer and then be able to do the walks and swims when autumn comes...
Hope everything goes well with your op.
posted by Blogger Miss Bougie : 6:36 AM Hi Brigette,
I totally agree with you. I am looking forward to being in full health and mobility by the summer. We have a new paddle board and it is my goal to learn how to use it. Have you seen them? It is like a surfboard only you paddle out on it standing up and remain standing up( or at least that is the goal!!) while you surf the waves. Great for core stability.
If I conquer it I will put a photo on my website to prove it.
Thanks for the encouraging words.
posted by Blogger Melanie Milburne : 5:01 PM

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