Hi everyone,
Well I didn't quite reach my quota for the week but I had a fabulous weekend at the beach house where I wrote pages and pages. The weather was cold but calm and the long walks on the beach were so theraputic. My jumbled mind seemed to clear and as soon as I sat in front of the computer it all fell out of my fingertips. I just love that feeling!
The dogs were thrilled to be exercised off the lead, they ran and ran and Polly even dipped her toes in the water. It is about 11 degrees Celsius at this time of year so you can imagine how quickly she came out again!
I have less than a month until I go to Auckland in New Zealand for the Romance Writers of NZ conference and then the following weekend the Australian one in Melbourne. It will be a busy time so I hope to get on top of this novel so I can really get into conference mode. It is always such a thrill to mix with other writers, both published and unpublished.
I must apologise to anyone who has emailed me lately through my website. I have had to tighten up my security and some of my legitimate emails have inadvertently gone straight into the junk file. I have been a little lax in scrolling through them all as I get so many it can be quite tedious.
Hope you are all well and reading lots of romance, especially mine!
Love to all,
Melanie xx
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 2:06 AM