Hi everyone,
Well there is nothing I like better than a wet weekend and boy did we get one in Hobart. It was quite timely too, not just because we need the rain but because I had a nasty throat virus. It gave me a perfect excuse to stay in bed and read for the whole day! I always feel guilty for doing so unless I am really sick so it was worth it to be coughing and spluttering. I am so much better now and feel recharged after reading for hours on end. I think I enjoy being able to do something like that these days as I remember when my kids were small how hard it was to have time to recover when I was unwell. Isn't motherhood hard?! I can't remember a day when I had a full day in bed and yet I am sure I was much sicker then than since.
We had some lovely rain and even a storm over the weekend which was fabulous.Great for the farmers and of course the garden.
I hope your week is a good one.
All the best,
Melanie x
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 2:14 PM