Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Zealand Rocks!

Hi everyone,
I am so overwhelmed with the friendliness and welcome I have recieved in Auckland the RWNZ conference. It has been such a thrill to be here and what a talented bunch of writers are here. The Clendon Award has the most amazing strike record for publishing success. 60% of winners have been subsquently picked up by a publisher. That is indeed a fabulous track record. It was wonderful to be at the awards dinner and to celebrate everyone's success in the various contests that were presented.
I will post some photos later as I have a flight to catch and within a couple of days will be flying to Melbourne for the Australian RWA. One of the best things about conferences is being with other writers both published and unpublished as we all speak the same language. It is also so comforting to know I am not the only crazy one out there who has characters talking to me inside my head at all times of the day and night!
I am missing my dogs and apparently they are missing me. Polly has been chewing her blanky and has dragged it to where the leads are kept and slept on it there in antipation of my return. Oh to be so loved!
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Cyber hugs,
Melanie xx

Hi, so glad you enjoyed it! What a blast. Thanks so much for your time at the author talks, it was really great to get the 'inside story' of how the writing life works for you. Looking forward to sitting down and putting some of what we learnt into practice. Regards
posted by Blogger Louisa George : 2:09 AM

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