Hi everyone,
Only a few sleeps until I head to New Zealand for the Romance Writers Convention. It will be great catching up with colleagues and new writers. I am conducting a workshop which will be heaps of fun.
I have been balancing some writing with lots of reading this week as I have had a bit of back trouble. It is one of the down sides of a sedentary job I am afraid. I am a bit of a restless writer in any case, I rarely stay still longer than fifteen minutes or so. I think I must have had hyperactivity as a child...actually there are a lot of people in my life who think I still have it!
Speaking of hyperactivity, Polly is so full of energy even a weekend at the shack was not enough to wear her out. Every time we went for a long walk as soon as we got back she would run up with a ball and wag her tail and look at us with those dark eyes of her sparkling with excitement.
I hope you have a fabulous week. I will hopefully have some photos to show you when I get back. My uploading device has been playing up but I hope to have it under control by then. Fingers crossed!
All the best,
Melanie XX
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 1:51 AM