Sunday, March 30, 2008

Countdown to The End!

Hello to you all,
I am on the countdown to the end of my current work in progress and because I love the characters so much I think that's why it is taking me so long to wrap things up. I will really miss them. The next project I have on the go is a two book series so that will be fun. I am already thinking through some ideas.
This week is my sixth week and crunch time ( mmm...interesting choice of words!) for my foot. I have to have a check up Xray to see that everything is where it should be and then I can ditch the orthopaedic shoe. Yippeee! With a recent cold snap we've been having my toes are ccccold! I refuse to wear a sock as well, that would be just too embarrassing.
NOw that Easter is out of the way, down here in the Southern Hemisphere the mornings are dark and the evenings closing in earlier and earlier. Winter is definitely in the air but I love the cocooning tendency it brings on in me. It makes me want to stay home and write and read and think about characters and stories. I don't think I would get much done if I moved further north, say to far north Queensland.
Hope you all have a fabulous week. I am catching up this week with two of my writing proteges who are such fun. Waving at you, Felicity and Georgie!
All the best,
Melanie xx


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