Monday, March 24, 2008

I am so over chocolate!

Hi everyone,
Well I am happy to say I am sick to death of chocolate. I think this will only last a day or so but I definitely need a CFD( chocolate free day)!
I hope you all have a fabulous Easter. It is quite different in the Southern Hemphisphere as it is autumn not spring but we've had lovely weather so it wasn't so bad. When we lived in Scotland all those years ago I loved the way the bulbs would peep out of the ground around Easter, while here we are putting them in!
It's been nice being up at the beach house as it has been very peaceful and quiet. The dogs are exhausted as usual from chasing the ball along the beach for hours.
We had a possum come to visit each night for a banana. He was as fat as a pudding but very cute. He was obviously quite used to being around people as he didn't run off when we opened the deck door to give him some fruit.
I did a print out of how many books I am up to and the one I am writing now is my 30th title for Harlequin! I think once I type The End I will be having a little celebration.
Have a great week, it will be a short one, I bet as once Easter leaves us it doesn't seem to be that long before we start thinking about Christmas, does it?
All the best,
Melanie x

So you celebrate Easter in Autumn - I bet that is different. But actually not much less than here this year as it was so cold. In Illinois they even had snow flurries all day. Kids were hunting Easter eggs in blinding snow but it didn't stick. Not my kids but my sister's.
I never get sick of chocolate and had only a little. I need some now to calm my nerves. God Bless your day - enjoyed your blog.
posted by Blogger squiresj : 11:30 AM

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