Sunday, March 16, 2008

Heat wave again

Hi everyone,
Phew is it hot again! My husband was on the medical response team at the Melbourne Grand Prix over the weekend and the track temperature yesterday was 48 degrees celsius. It was 37-40 in the grand stands so you can imagine how uncomfortable it would have been for both drivers and their teams and the fans.
I am having a fabulous time with my current novel. For those of you who dabble in writing yourselves you will understand what I am talking about when I say how the characters seem to speak to me, instead of me telling them what they should or shouldn't do. These two have very definite ideas about what is going to happen and when!
I am looking forward to the Easter break as if this weather holds we will have an Indian summer at the beach house. I haven't had a decent swim up there yet due to nursing a shoulder problem as well as my foot. I am allowed to walk a bit further now so the dogs are very pleased about that!
have a great week and all the best for Easter.
Melanie x

Heat wave - where - I want to come there. I thought it was suppose to be Spring. But we've only gone from ice and snow to storms one after another. God Bless.
posted by Blogger squiresj : 1:26 AM

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