Saturday, April 19, 2008

Quick post

Hi everyone,
I just wrote a long post and somehow lost it. I hope this doesn't appear twice! A big thank you and hello to the lovely ladies in my Adult Education class yesterday: Gek, Deb, Anna, Sharleen, Trish, Claire ( who shares the name of my current heroine!) and Louise. You were all fantastic and a great group to work with. I wish we'd had time to do more.
I hope everyone enjoyed my photo last week of Polly and Pippi. I will have to try and find one of Mango.
I hoped to do another full three chapters last week but I only got two and a half done but that's because I was holding off a viral thing. I was dreading it turning into flu but thankfully it didn't. The rest did me a world of good.
I hope you all have a fabulous week.
All the best,
Melanie xx


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