Saturday, April 12, 2008

Three chapters down

Hello to everyone,
Once I am on a roll there's no stopping me, I'm afraid. I am straight into another book, this time a linked one so it's fun playing around with characters and setting the scene and so on. I think creativity comes in waves which is why I work as hard as I can when I'm on one and back off a little when I'm not. The thing is the more you write the easier it becomes, so any of you interested in pursuing a writing career should really think about allocating some time each day( or week) where you just sit and write whatever you like. It is amazing what you will come up with. Of course it will be rough in places, but that's what editing and rereading is for. I do a lot of both as I go along.
This week seems to have flashed past and it is my third one without my car. There is some sort of software problem in the engine's computer and they can't locate it, or at least they have and fixed it twice now but then it does it again. Very frustrating! It's not going to be so bad this week as I have now been given permission to walk as far as I like on my foot. It is healing well and in another five weeks I will be able to RUN and wait for it....wear HEELS!!! I don't wear them all the time but it sure is nice to dress up when we go out and flats don't always do it for me. I'm not short but I like to feel elegant when I need to.
I hope you all have a fabulous week.
All the best,
Melanie xx


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