Sunday, October 05, 2008

Nunber 31 done!

Hi everyone,
Well this past week saw me finish the revisions on book number 31 so I am feeling rather chuffed. I lost count there for a while but now I have a typed up list so I can remind myself. It feels great to see those titles build up.
We are having our usual Spring weather, a bit of a mixed bag of showers, sun, cold and wind. I made the most of a quiet weekend with a reading fest. It was so restorative after a busy week. Yesterday I didn't even leave the house! That is unusual for me. My husband took the dogs out so I could stay engrossed in my book.
I think it is important as women to take time for ourselves, although we are nearly always last on the list. There are so many things to do that seem to be things only we can do. Not so. I am learning to let go a bit. It's hard as I'm a bit of a control freak but it is important to let others around you experience some of the tasks you have to do in your day otherwise they will never understand how time consuming or mentally taxing they are! It's not just one or two jobs though is it? It's all of them strapped together that take up so much time.
Well, I hope this week you can get some space for yourself to think, recharge or read or relax.
All the best,
Melanie xx


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