Hello everyone,
We are celebrating a special anniversary this week, on Tuesday it is our 25
th wedding anniversary. I know it makes me sound old doesn't it?! I can't believe where the time has gone-I am sure I have only seen Steve for less than half of that as he has always been so frantically busy being a surgeon. We decided to come to our beach house for the week, even though it is winter. We just want to be alone with the dogs and the cat and reflect on our life together, treasuring the memories we've built together. The fire is crackling in the background and the dogs are exhausted after an hour and a half walking along the water's edge. It is so peaceful and calm. I will still do some work as I have two very special characters I am working with just now that won't like it if I take a week off!
I have a huge stack of books with me for when I get tired of writing and I can't wait to curl up on the sofa with a glass of champagne-yes even though it is winter! I should be having mulled wine or something.
All the best to you all, thanks for all the lovely emails.
Happy reading,
Melanie x
posted by Melanie Milburne @ 5:54 PM