Saturday, January 05, 2008

Two Weeks Behind!!!

Hi everyone,
Happy New Year to you all. I am two weeks late updating my blog as we were up at our beach house and for some reason I couldn't get my browser to work. We are still on dial up there so it makes it a bit sluggish. Anyway, I am back in the saddle so to speak after a lovely break. Instead of being super-active I spent a lot of time resting in between long walks and the occasional swim. The dogs had such a fabulous time, they are both really tired and Pippi has finally lost weight. She needed to as she is a bit of a pig and takes Polly's food if she can get away with it.
I am excited about another continuity I have been asked to join. I have done a couple of chapters and I am really enjoying the characters. I have a bestseller in the US so thanks to all my wonderful US fans who put Bought For Her Baby in the number 2 position last week. That was a thrill and it makes me all the more determined to write the sort of stories you like to read.
Hope you have a great week.
All the best,
Melanie x


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